A short summary of our main projects so far:

O-CEI (2024-2027): Open CloudEdgeIoT Platform Uptake in Large Scale Cross-Domain Pilots

O-CEI is a Horizon Europe project that aims to accelerate the adoption of cutting-edge Cloud-Edge-IoT solutions, boosting Europe’s competitiveness and technological independence. The overall objective of the O-CEI project is to pilot the imperative of accelerating the uptake and upscaling of such cutting-edge solutions, strengthening Europe’s competitiveness and open strategic autonomy by orchestrating cross-domain data sharing, minimizing energy footprint, stimulating multi-sided marketplaces, and promoting open standards for virtualization and interoperability.

GSC is the leader of Pilot 5 on the energetically and environmentally sustainable Halloumi cheese production. The main goal of the pilot is to use O-CEI technologies for IoT-based energy monitoring and optimization in order to reduce the energy footprint per kilogram of dairy products in Cyprus, promoting sustainable agriculture despite difficult climate conditions.


OpenAgri (2024-2026) is a Horizon Europe project that aims to democratise digital farming through tailored open source and open hardware solutions.

The overall aim of the OpenAgri project is to democratise digital farming by enabling the development and deployment of innovative cost-effective energy-efficient Open Source software and open hardware-based Agricultural Digital Technologies (ADSs) that can operate at a high performance even in remote areas with weak connectivity. This will be achieved by a) ensuring the co-creation of ADSs by engaging farmers and farm advisors in participatory prototyping activities inspired by the makerspaces approach; and b) providing access to a number of reusable OS software services designed to support the edge and mixed computing mode, and a “sociotechnical infrastructure.

STELLA (2024-2027) : Digital technologies for plant health, early detection, territory surveillance and phytosanitary measures

STELLA is a Horizon Europe project focusing on digital technologies for plant health, early detection, territory surveillance and phytosanitary measures. STELLA will develop a real time pest surveillance system. The system will consist of 3 subsystems: 1) an early warning system using novel forecasting models and IoT sensors, 2) a pest detection system using drones, satellites, and a smartphone application, and 3) a pest response system providing data-driven recommendations for containment and counteractive measures. The system will be tested in 6 Use Case Pilots across 5 countries, covering 8 various diseases of importance to the EU.

Farmtopia (2023-2026) is a Horizon Europe project, comprising 22 partners from 12 countries. Farmtopia’s goal is to democratise digital farming, making it accessible to all by expanding the adoption of Agricultural Digital Solutions (ADSs) among European farmers, particularly small-scale ones. Farmtopia envisions a future where ADSs cater to the needs of small farms more readily, encompassing their creation, deployment, and affordability

Climate Farm Demo (2022-2029) : A European-wide network of pilot farmers implementing and demonstrating climate smart solutions for a carbon neutral Europe

Climate Farm Demo is a Horizon Europe project creating unique pan-European network of Pilot Demo Farmers (PDFs) covering 28 countries and all pedo-climatic areas. Its overall aim it to accelerate the adoption of Climate Smart Farming (CSF) practices and solutions by farmers and all actors of the Climate Smart Agriculture Knowledge & Innovation Systems (AKIS) with a view of adapting agricultural production systems to climate change and of achieving a carbon neutral agricultural sector by 2050, thereby meeting the targets of the EU Climate strategy. To reach this objective, the project adopts a Multi-Actor approach by connecting 1500 Pilot Demo Farmers and their Climate Farm Advisors (CFAs) at European and national levels to increase knowledge exchange & cross-fertilisation in their respective AKIS. The CFA’s will support the PDF’s in implementing Adaptation and Mitigation Measures suggested by contextualised guidelines and will assess & monitor their environmental performance thanks to harmonized methodologies & tools. Technical and social innovations covering a broad range of thematic areas will be demonstrated to the wider farming community across six annual demo-campaigns (4500 demo-events) supporting interactive and peer to peer learning. New and innovative CSF solutions will be co-created in 10 Living Labs spread across Europe and lessons learned from multi-actor innovation will be shared and scaled. A set of public and private rewarding mechanisms will be identified, proposed and demonstrated to the AKIS actors, thus incentivising the uptake of CSF solutions while ensuring sustainable business models.

PENFA (2022): Pesticide ENvironmental Fate Analysis
Funded by DEMETER Open Call #2 DEPLOY
The accumulation of plant protection chemical products (PPPs) in crop fields increases risks to biodiversity and human health. Collecting agro-environmental field data in order to feed pest infestation risk index prediction algorithms that are tailored to the biological behavior of specific pests and diseases can support the farmer in performing more optimized and timely accurate interventions. The dominant practice for the farmers in order to identify current MRL, is through inference based on the calculation of days among last application of the PPPs. However, applied pesticides dissolving process is affected by many parameters including the current conditions of the plant (e.g. stress levels, vigorousness) combined with the overall environmental conditions. As it is obvious there is a need for more efficient and rapid extraction of hard evidences on current MRLs with the use of mechanisms that will be easily utilized by the farmer/agronomist. PENFA project aims at integratinge state-of-the-art technical means for optimising forecast capabilities of pesticide residue break down in relevancy with the micro-climatic conditions and specific critical plant growth stages. In addition, it aims at providing an agro-enviromental data-driven, interoperable, pest & diseases prediction solution tailored to greenhouse vegetable crops (e.g., tomatoes) for South Europe climate where farms are subject to high levels of pest and disease pressure.

DigiCompost (2023): Digitalising organic compost manufacturing
DigiCompost is an Innovation project funded under the Open Call of the H2020 DIH-World project, aiming at helping Agroecology Lab company (AgLab) in digitalising its organic compost production, enabling the digital transformation of the company, while supporting the sustainable transition of the agricultural sector as a whole. GreenSupplyChain will support an Innovative Experiment (IE) focused on co-designing, deploying and testing a solution that will digitise the overall production process, offering extensive supervision, control and optimisation over it along with prediction capabilities on the compost’s nutrients and time of completion. Organic compost is a natural, nutrient-dense, cost-efficient alternative which supports soil regeneration and stabilises organic matter. In Greece and many other countries in the region, due to cost limitations and/or lack of digital skills, the manufacturing of compost, which is taking place in open space using of piles (no composting bins used), is mainly manual. This includes both a) the monitoring of the compost conditions, which is limited to manual daily checks of the pile’s temperature, but also the decision making and management process, including compost irrigation and stirring activities. See our press release about the success of the Innovation Experiment here!

Oenobotics (2022): Enabling sustainable oenological practices through a robotic UAS solution for precision viticulture
Oenobotics is an Innovation project funded under the Open Call of the H2020 agROBOfood project, aiming at providing viticulture farmers with innovative and affordable precision viticulture services. The services rely on the Oenobotics drone platform and consist of: a) disease and water-stress diagnostics b) precise spot-spraying for treatment of downy mildew, powdery mildew and grey mould/botrytis early diagnostics c) wireless drone changing through a smart charging dock. The solution addresses the needs of wine-producing vineyards, located in hilly, sloppy elevated locations, that are hard to reach with any machinery. The Oenobotics services will assist vineyard owners in avoiding health impacts of chemicals and heat that they are facing during work, allowing them to react faster to extreme weather changes caused by climate change. It will also be more sustainable and profitable, by producing yield of better quality, using less pesticides (in case of environmental farming) and producing less CO2 emissions (in case of organic farming). In the context of the project, GreenSupplyChain DIH will offer technical services focused on the interoperability of the Oenobotics solution with 3rd party FMIS, as well as business services focused on supporting demonstrations, dissemination and business modelling.

AgroecologyTech (2021-2022): Supporting small grape and olive producers in applying agroecology and circular economy practices with the help of data-driven technology innovations
Climate change and environmental degradation result to an increasing pressure on farmers to adopt sustainable production approaches such as agroecology. At the same time, farmers are facing an increasing number of additional pressures, such as productivity pressures and skewed chain power that have a significant impact on their sustainability. Finally, there is a lack of appropriate Smart Farming (SF) tools for supporting the decision making of small producers that try to adopt agroecology practices. AgroecologyTech project, which was funded under the PREPARE Open Call of the H2020 SmartAgriHubs project, focused on designing an Innovation Experiment (IE) aiming to develop IoT and AI-powered Smart Farming services for small organic grape and olive producers applying agroecology practices, to support their everyday decisions on irrigation, pest management and fertilization. In addition, the IE focuses on developing a monitoring tool to support decision making in the production of organic compost following circular economy practices. In the context of the project, GreenSupplyChain DIH adopted a lean multi-actor approach to engage the four (4) supported organisations in co-designing the proposed digital innovations of the IE in a demand-driven and flexible way.

DemocraTech (2021): Innovative services for democratizing data-driven technology innovations focused on sustainability practices for small farms
Climate change and environmental degradation result to an increasing pressure on farmers to adopt sustainable production approaches such as agroecology. At the same time, farmers are facing an increasing number of additional pressures, such as productivity pressures and skewed chain power that have a significant impact on their sustainability. Finally, there is a lack of appropriate Smart Farming tools for supporting the decision making of small producers that try to adopt agroecology and other sustainable practices. In line with EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy for a just and inclusive transition towards sustainable food production systems, the DemocraTech project aimed at democratizing Smart Farming (SF) innovations focused on sustainable production practices for small farms. The project focused on designing, providing and validating a set of DIH services for supporting small farmers in 2 Greek regions, Peloponnese and Attika, to reap the benefits of SF innovations. These services supported an Innovation Activity (IA) focused on developing a SF solution for agroecology practices for small farmers and a compost monitoring solution for organic compost. The establishment of an Agroecology Living Lab engaged the local actors in co-creation activities, supporting the live demonstration and experimentation with SF technologies. DemocraTech project, was funded under the SERVICE Open Call of the H2020 SmartAgriHubs project.