AgroecologyLL is a thematic Living Lab (LL) focused on supporting small farms in adopting sustainable agriculture and agroecology practices, in line with EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy for a just and inclusive transition towards sustainable food production systems. AgroecologyLL aims to accomplish this by a) sharing knowledge on these practices with the local farmers in Peloponnese region and b) by co-creating and demonstrating meaningful smart farming solutions that can help farmers towards this direction.
AgroecologyLL aims at fostering innovation in the region by conducting experimentation on real farms, in specific territorial and community contexts, with farmers and other actors involved from the beginning as equal partners in proposing ideas, testing them, improving them and promoting them further. The AgroecologyLL team consists of a multidisciplinary mix of experts coming from variety of stakeholders, including farmers, agronomists, researchers, developers, organic certification experts and more. This mix of people enables AgroecologyLL to help solve significant problems of the targeted agri-food value chain and the region. A key strength is our passion for sustainable agriculture and our expertise in using smart farming in agroecology practices, making us one of the very few LLs actively involved in this space.
AgroecologyLL has some unique strengths:
AgroecologyLL aims at fostering innovation in the region by conducting experimentation on real farms, in specific territorial and community contexts, with farmers and other actors involved from the beginning as equal partners in proposing ideas, testing them, improving them and promoting them further. The AgroecologyLL team consists of a multidisciplinary mix of experts coming from variety of stakeholders, including farmers, agronomists, researchers, developers, organic certification experts and more. This mix of people enables AgroecologyLL to help solve significant problems of the targeted agri-food value chain and the region. A key strength is our passion for sustainable agriculture and our expertise in using smart farming in agroecology practices, making us one of the very few LLs actively involved in this space.
AgroecologyLL has some unique strengths:
- It has a unique team of experts with combined knowledge of both SF technologies and Agroecology practices.
- There is excellent knowledge of the local, regional, national and international ecosystem. This allows to easily make the needed connections between partners and bring on board additional knowhow and skills that may be necessary to solve a specific problem.
- This is connected to a strong network of partners covering all the actors of the Quadruple Helix.
- The AgroecologyLL partners have excellent track record in bringing funding to support such activities.
- AgroecologyLL as access to real commercial farms that can act as demo farms, allowing the piloting of solutions in real-life conditions.